tms therapy

Non-Drug Treatment for Depression in Lakeport CA

Depression is common in our world, and it can be treated with medication. There are many different types of antidepressants out there for you to choose from, including SSRIs and older drug classes like tricyclic antidepressants. These medications have been proven to work for the treatment of depression.

But maybe you’ve tried antidepressant drugs before but found that they don’t agree with your body? Or perhaps medication has not helped at all or simply doesn’t seem worth the side effects? What other options are available – non-drug treatments specifically designed just for this situation?

Some people may find themselves unable to take medications due to other health conditions (40% according studies). Some people who did try taking a course might have found that it was ineffective on them or caused too many unwanted side effects. Others may prefer not be on any type of prescription drugs because they value their wellness over anything else but do NOT know what their alternate means could possibly be!

Interested in Treating Your Depression with TMS Therapy?
We are a caring provider of TMS therapy at our facility. We offer a wide range of modalities and have an emphasis on multi-disciplinary care options. If you’re looking for non-drug treatment options, reach out to our intake department today!